Equip Night - DNA

We hope to always equip our Soma family for intentional mission and disciple-making in everyday life. One aspect of this is an environment we call Equip Nights.

Our next Equip Night will be focusing on DNA groups. These are groups of 3–5 people discipling one another to become the love of God for one another and the world. DNA stands for  Discover Nurture Act: as a reminder that we are discovering truth together, being nurtured by it, and moving to action in light of it. Typically formed within the context of a Missional Community, DNA Groups provide a structure for us to care deeply for one another, and bring accountability to each other's lives and apply God’s Word.

As we prepare for this upcoming Fall, we wanted to spend some time reseting our DNAs and get some training on how to know our emotions better. Amelia and Kendrick Banks - from His Kingdom Collective, a Soma Church in Dallas, will be leading our time.They are leading DNA groups in a transformational way in their church. We are excited to learn from them and their experiences.

Equip Night Schedule:

4- 6pm - Worship and teaching on Emotions and DNA groups

6-7 pm - Pizza Dinner and Discussion

7- 8pm - DNA - “Practice Groups”

There is childcare for Infants through grade school.

Cost: $10 per family for Pizza and drinks- Bring a salad or side to share.

Randy Moore